Friday, April 7, 2017

Divorce can be nice

Having never been around divorce then marrying a divorced man with a daughter, I am amazed by things people do after divorce.  I've never seen two people be so cruel to another when it really isn't about then anymore. You don't live together anymore but your child still and will forever be connected and connecting the two of you.

Forgiveness is difficult. I cannot imagine the amount of Christlike characteristics you would need to imply and reach to God's mercy.  Which are both there. To those divorced or parents divorced,  my heart goes out to you.

This is quite a humble thing to do.  (Take pictures together every year) I really wish for Shaelee that she could have a bit more of a normal life. I really hope one day her parents can work things like that out but it will take forgiveness. 

Forgiving is very hard,  true forgiveness breaks you from the chains of sorrow and stops you from drinking poison everyday hoping the other person will die.

We have heard nasty things come from Shaelee's mouth that so and so at her other household says and it's not fun. It really only hurts Shaelee.  You hope they aren't true and she's saying it to get a reaction but 2, 3 or 4 year olds repeat, they don't make up stuff.

Being a step mom is challenging but also a gift in many ways. People continually compliment me on things we practice at our house and where these practices are truly seen,  outside our house. I always say,  my batteries are recharged every week. I can have a few days to recharge.  There are lots of really really sad things with being the product of divorce but we must see the good.  Living in your own hell isn't fun. Not at all. 

I'm very grateful for parents who have set an example of working it out.  I'm grateful that though hard times come they still are married.  Marriage isn't easy and none of my most beautiful relationships are. I'm so grateful for my husband and our family. 

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