Friday, September 4, 2015

best bridal party ever

When I told Linds I was getting married she quickly asked if she could host my Bachelorette party. I was so excited. She messaged me 3 options to choose from. HARD CHOICE. Piano bar, so fun, painting class and pottery. Pottery won out! I loved wearing my sash and crown the whole night. 

Joyce and Carrie. 

Connie, Joelee and Tina painting away

Sara with the hat, Carrie and Laurie. 

One selfie for me. ;)

Our group shots. 




I did purple and blue for our wedding colors. SO pretty 

Kaylie and Cort

We had sushi after- yum!

Britta was our waitress, love her and of course there was another bachelor party going on! Funny. 

I have the most dazzling friends!

Kaylie, me, Linds, Laurie, Joyce and Carrie. 

Serious, such a fun night. Feeling like a babe!

Thanks for the AWESOME PARTY and thanks everyone who came. Thank you cards are on the way. I sure love you all. XO

1 comment:

  1. This bridal party is looking stunning. I really love this spot where bridal party was held! All these party arrangements were superb. I bet you had a blasting time! Next month we will also attend a destination wedding at one of my favorite wedding venues Los Angeles. Feeling quite eager to attend this event!
