Saturday, March 18, 2017

My goodness

I'm completely upset by this article. This is the title. 

Teen accused of sexually abusing 4 girls sentenced to house arrest

This is the most slap on the hand for a 17 year old to ever get.  I hate every part of this. What does this say to other guys,  you can go force girls to have sex with you and all that happens is a little house arrest.  What does this say to the victims?  This guy raped you and "it's your fault." I truly hope that these women are getting the one on one or group counseling they deserve.  I hope they never have to see this 17 year old again and he doesn't take anything out on them.  It sounds like his family,  the judge and his lawyer think he did nothing wrong.  Rape is wrong!

What is this world coming to?

I must agree with the articles advice,  date in groups. Never be alone with a guy,  honestly his intentions are never known until he can show them. Who else has he done this too. 4 girls told,  that's ALOT.  where are the others.  This didn't start just this year. .... and I would also assume he has an un healthy relationship with someone at home.  Maybe house arrest will be a punishment but it doesn't fit the crime. 

Friday, March 17, 2017

Life is too good

I think Spring is my favorite season.  As a kid I lovvvvvved the summer but I'm starting to love the Spring.  Maybe it's the walks or the buds or the depressing long winter and this feels so awesome but wow.  Spring is great.  Eli and Shaelee both closed their eyes when I snapped a picture of our first bbq! Chris is a master bbq guy.  Seriously!

Also milk baby,  I'm glad I only pumped till 9 months because he's getting crazy experimental with milk now and I pump gold! :)

We've also been riding bikes.  Shaelee got a pink bike with training wheels and she is nervous about riding it but she'll only ride for me,  otherwise she's scared.  I'm suprised how she can get on a horse. Hopefully she never falls off because that girl will remember! If she does fall I hope she gets back up again. 

I'm so excited for rides with Eli soon! Chris has taken him. We also all 3 of us road the motorcycle around the block. Eli loved the wind in his hair and chris was a great driver!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Welcome Spring!

We are very blessed with a happy, healthy, easy baby boy.  He's really the ideal baby.  He's 99.99% happy or content and that's what a mama likes.  As he's getting older he's not a big fan of the car seat but I can't blame him,  I'd rather be jumping around too. So grateful for the past few months.  Some highlights for us are;  going on walks twice a day, going to the zoo,  going to see cousins/family,  going to the park,  library and getting our bikes out. We have had quite a few friends come over,  we love friends! 

We are under construction for a yard. I'm looking for decorating ideas for the house and specific rooms.  I really want a porch swing, hopefully Chris will build us one!  So grateful for many things.

These handouts are from a meeting I went to about communication.  Interesting!