Thursday, October 1, 2015

My affirmation weekend

I got back from my honeymoon and didn't miss a beat. Andrew picked us up from the airport so he had slept over in our extra room. We love having guests and then we were off to the Affirmation conference the next day. I didn't really know what to expect but the schedule he sent me was REALLY good. 

I started by going to my ally meeting. It was VERY tear jerking. I had many tears roll down my cheeks as I heard each couple go around and share their story. It really made me so sad to hear these challenges.

Then we had a snack.

Then we had another 2 classes that had a theme. 

this class was really good. 2 BYU students taught it. They were both darling. One guy, gay and hasn't really told anyone and the girl who calls herself queer. Very interesting. They had us all see how privileged we are with questions. Then we went through being Christlike. It was really good. 

Are We Not All Beggars?

This goes through my head all the time now- I loved the girl and boy BYU student class. 

This class was really good. This lady helped her husband write the song from the children's song book. She wrote Nephi's courage. So that was cool. She is the best discussion leader I have ever met. She made everyone feel so validated, heard and it was quite beautiful. She is a therapist I think. She was AMAZING. The class was REALLY good. Most people that commented were LGBT and their story with the church and what a blessing it is. Comments and questions about what to do and how to be a member with being LGBT. Some Ally's came to this too and I love the love that was felt. It was a very spiritual lesson.

I kept thinking of my mom and how there was a girl who use to come to church dressed in sleeveless and short skirts and my mom would say, I am just glad she is here. 

My other friend use to say the best smell at church on Sunday is cigarette smoke, the smell of repentant heart. Cause we are all there for the same thing. 

Most people have been welcomed open arms but I think there is still some bishop roulet. Meaning depending on the bishop it will mean if you will be welcomed or not. 

I thought for anyone this was AMAZING!

She kept saying this is a gift. It isn't going away after you do dot dot dot. You know. I don't have many lesbian friends but all my gay friends, they are gifts. They care. They are warm. They are inclusive. I have never thought of this as a gift before.

I also don't think God created anyone like this. I think this is just how the intelligence came. So first their were intelligence and then God created spirits then we came to earth. I just think that we became who we were in the pre eath life but I don't know if sexual orientation was even a thought there. Lots of thoughts and that is all that is, thoughts.

 At lunch I got to see my good friend from home. Nobody knows about her and I am not one to out so lips are sealed. It was so fun to chat. This is a valiant woman who almost committed suicide because of all the hardship of her gift. I just always loved this soul and it broke my heart hearing that. She said she just told her extended family and they didn't even respond to her email. OKAY! Wow, I would be ticked if I was her but she is just her peppy self. I also knew about her before because sometimes you know the right people to ask about your friends. I must say, I love that she still loves God. 

That was a common theme. People being mad at God. I related. I have been un rightfully mad at God before. Now I see where I wronged in ever thinking that because I really like where my life turned out. It was meant to be.

We met the president and he asked me what I was doing here, I told him and then asked him what he was doing here. He responded, I am the president. HAHA I didn't notice his name tag. He was so nice and sweet.

We love the temple!

We saw some fun drag show at the Provo park. There was a support fair. I am so bad at remembering it all.
We saw a friend from college who is Gay and he isn't out but it was so good to see him. He was like, in case you didn't know, I am gay. Did you think anyone else was Gay in college. haha so that was a fun chat but i try not to out anyone. Ever. I wouldn't want anyone saying anything about me so keep it zipped. 

Provo pride

Andrew bought me a yummmmmmy lemon aide. SO good. 

We sat with two new friends. One of them is going to be writing for about his story. Which is good. He is a great guy!

Drew and I. 

We met Erik who lives in Chicago. He had the best comments, laugh and fun. He was the best. I miss him already and hopes he moves to Utah.

met this gem, Carson has a great story. Read his blog! and here is another of his blogs. 

We went to a sex one too. I loved the meeting. The teacher talked about what is attraction and what draws us and how most gays have the most sex next to married couples and last is lesbians. Interesting and maybe not true. HA- USE PROTECTION! He also wanted that in everyone's heads. SO DO I! 

Then we went to a big conference. 

I thought i got a picture of Sarah Jade. I found her hereAnother here

Sam spoke about being a lawyer. Poor guy was sweating up a storm. I felt for him. He was a good speaker. Quick and to the point. 

Kate is also a lawyer. Her mom was the sweetest lady. She lives in SLC and football is her religion. She has much support with her sister and her husband who is a bishop for a singles ward.

They went to her daughters wedding a the court house the day after it became legal.

I liked this.

Laura was very deep and from the heart. She is married to a man but she liked her VT. Very good story. 

WHAT A MAN! I loved this too. Michael spoke to everyone's hearts and his son is engaged to a man. Michael took a very personal perspective of feeling like the heavens were closed to him for a good 10 years then siting in church one day the heaven's opened and in 10 days he wrote 12 songs or something like that. WOW! God loves us. 

After all we could think is, everyone has their own path and fight for that path. 

Some paths I must say seem harder then others but it is all in the perspective. 

We met some guys who are active LDS and don't have partners and who have 3 callings. We met some who have a partner and do go to church but don't take the sacrament. We met some who hate the church. I pray for them because I really love the church and I would love so many talents in my ward. I loved mostly everyone. We met all sorts of handsome guys and so many supportive allys.

What I also liked was no contention. 

Dance Party

Sunday was good too. I didn't take any pictures but it was SO good. 

Me and my supportive husband. Love him. I think the weekend taught me about my relationship I want with him. 

Love is around us. 

So I walked away with so much thought, more open perspective. I wanted to marry everyone but I told everyone I have a husband already. 

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