Wednesday, November 28, 2018

My heart

Life is really wonderful. Life is also really challenging. Hardships and sadness could pour into and then out of me everyday. I've been so lucky to retire 😉😉 or quit my job and be home with the babes for over a year and a half. Being home is a sacrifice in many ways and sometimes I think mentally it would be easier to go back to work and just do a job because let's be real but having had my mom home with me then having this opportunity to do it. We did it. We were only using my pay check as savings when I was working so the money would always be nice because I love love love to save money but  E and I are fas more important to us. Chris is a lovely provider and partner in life. We are greatly blessed to have the connection we do. I'm deeply grateful for his parents for raising him like a gentleman and with the mindset of being a partner. We have been blessed so many times. 

My family is the best thing that's ever happened to me and I'm really so happy. Love you guys. 


  1. You guys are so beautiful!! You look amazing!
